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What is the difference between Hashgraph vs blockchain?

It is one of the important aspects of Hashgraph vs Blockchain comparison. Hashgraph is 100% efficient due to its approach. Blockchain’s block approach makes it hard for miners to work on a block. There are instances when two blocks are mined at the same time.

Is Hedera Hashgraph more equitable than blockchain?

Furthermore, Hedera hashgraph is more equitable than blockchain since miners may determine the order in which transactions are processed, delay them, or even prevent them from entering the block. An individual can’t change the sequence of transactions in Hashgraph because of the consensus of timestamps used.

What is Hashgraph?

In a single phrase, Hashgraph is a directed acrylic graph. Sounds too much gibberish? You could call it a digital ledger technology that adopts the concept of gossip about gossip and virtual voting. Hashgraph solves lots of problems that a blockchain has. Compared to the blockchain, Hashgraph is

What is blockchain & how does it work?

Blockchain is one of the most popular forms of distributed ledger technology. It is the underlying technology that is used by the first every cryptocurrency out there, i.e., bitcoin. In a blockchain, peers communicate between themselves to form a peer-to-peer network. Bitcoin utilizes the most basic form of blockchain technology.

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